Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 40

What a difference a few hours can make. Today marks day 40 since finding out that I have breast cancer. I have two rounds of chemo behind me. And I am starting to feel better.

Yesterday was really horrible. The day before that was really horrible. But now that 4 and 5DPC is behind me, I can say I am in the home stretch of feeling good for the next ten days. I woke up this morning around 3:30. I was feeling really hungry so instead of rolling over and going back to sleep, I got up and made myself an english muffin. One side had butter and the other had peanut butter. It was yummy... and it stayed down. I washed that down with 16 ounces of water. That too stayed down. Following my breakfast, I decided to lay down again since I was unsure of the status quo of my gastrointestinal track. I did manage to call my boss and tell him that I would take one more day off to relax and get some rest. He said okay and that was that. I went back to sleep... and got up around 6a. I was a little nauseous, but not enough to take anything for it. I sometimes don't because I am afraid that it's going to make me feel even worse. I asked Brad if there was anything I could do for him.... he said yea, I could get Elaina ready to go. I said sure. I was eager to do something after the last two days I was not eager to do ANYTHING. So I got Elaina ready for the day and kissed the kids good bye. Following that I mosied back upstairs to bed. I flipped on the laptop and started to just surf the internet in bed.

I checked my email from work and personal email. I even got caught up on Facebook. Thank you to everyone who is respecting our wishes and not posting anything on Facebook. I do appreciate it. Around 7, I got hungry again and went downstairs to grab something to eat... yogurt. Yum that was delicious. I wish I had another Boston Creme Pie yogurt. It went down so nice and smooth. I chased that down with water and then apple juice. I have been eating soooo much today. By 8a I was hungry for chicken lo mein. I couldn't believe how hungry I was. I have been eating all day.

I finally got off of the internet around 10 or so. This time I got off to go and run to Safeway to get myself some lo mein. While the lo mein wasn't the greatest, it certainly quenched that desire. I have no more craving for it. Oh, I did forget to mention that while I was online, I was chatting with David on facebook. Sounds like he is going to come over to my house and help me plant my vegetable garden. Sweet! Thanks David!

The rest of the afternoon was spent working on work stuff. I got all my compass coaching in. I listened to all the negative verbatims from work... (just work stuff). I feel accomplished. I need to talk to my GM to see if I can have a laptop so I can VPN into work and gain access to other things I need access to that I can't get from home. We shall see!

I mainly snacked on lo mein all day long. Funny how last round i was jonesing for bean and cheese burritos and this time it's lo mein. Who know what next round will be... chicken bowl from KFC? LOL. I managed to take a shower too! I took a washcloth into the shower and began to scrub my head. My hair is finally falling out. It looks like Brad shaved! There are little hairs all over the place. In any case... the hair is falling out on top of my head as well as.... ahem. ;-) I told you this blog would be a no holds barred... it's good for those who may be going through the same thing. In anycase... fill in the blank. I made it through most of the day without taking any medication. I did end up taking half an atavan just before picking up the girls at Becky's. I took it because I was a bit apprehensive about taking care of them... I didn't want to get sick and fail as a mom. But it was in good measure because after I got home with them, they were having fun and I was having fun with them. We played and played and played. We played picnic, hide and go seek and tag! It was fun to actually be well enough to do something with my girls. I love them so much.

Today my neighbor, Sheila came over. She brought over a bunch of flowers and a dinner for sometime later in the week. That was soooo sweet of her. And it's a yummy meal too. I want to also say thank you to my cousin, Amy, Tyler and their sweet daughter, Caitlyn. They sent me beautiful irises and stargazer lillies. They are blooming so nicely. Thanks Deanne for chatting with me today. It was so nice chatting with you from Reno to Dayton. Mwah!

I want to say a special shout out to Lindsey (sp?) who I have never met... but is reading this blog. I am hoping that this blog will help you understand the patient side of nursing. If you have any questions.... anyone, please ask them. I will be very candid. I will tell you the truth. Momma told me not to lie! :)

Oh, on another note... I made my first payment... well... it was the one bill that covered my insurance deductible. I made that $634.00 payment for the actual biopsy today. I am glad that I called them. Since I had only received one statement and was paying for the whole bill in full, I got a 10% discount off of the bill. So instead of paying 634, I paid 570. Sweet night! That was soooo awesome. I am happy I called. In any case, that bill is going straight to my credit card. I am getting those airline miles. When this is all said and done, I want to go on a cruise. I am thinking a Disney cruise so we can take the girls. Tracey, you out there to price us an outside cabin going somewhere luxurious? Grandparents... you in, too? We're going to need a few babysitters, as Brad and I will need some "us" time! LOL.

Until tomorrow.... must go. Work awaits.

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