Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 30

Wow! I can't believe I didn't post yesterday! That means that I was busy doing other things and feeling grrrreat!

I woke up at about 5am and couldn't get back to sleep, so I decided to get up and go into work. Yes, work on a Saturday. But I figured if I couldn't sleep, I might as well do something productive. Plus I was behind from not being at work to do the things that I needed to do. So I went in at 5.30a. All the supervisors were shocked to see me in. They joked that I was in because I was making up for all the time I missed during the week. I said that's absolutely correct. I was glad I went in. I got all the imparative stuff done that needed to get done. I even had some of my agents in doing overtime. That was fun because I could help them on a one on one basis.

At about 7.30, I went home. As I was driving home, I got a text from Brad saying that it was time to come home because the kids were up and it was time to come home. Hee hee, I was already en route. When I got home it was time to feed the kids breakfast and get ready for the day. We did all our errands. We went to Costco (love that place) and sampled some good food. I am really proud of Amelia because she is trying new foods. Yesterday she sampled perogies with cheese and potatoes. She liked it. With Elaina, she's easy. She'll eat anything right now. Next it was off to Winco Foods to pick up our favorite Tillamook yogurt, Banana Vanilla (yuck! But Brad and Amelia love the flavor). Following that we hit up Fred Meyer to pick up some stuff we needed for the rest of the week. We got our free cookie from the bakery and were off.

Funny thing happened while we were running from place to place. I was playing with my hair (yes, I still have my hair... for now. It's supposed to start falling out any day now) and Amelia who is sitting behind me says, "Mommy is that your new hair or old hair?" I told her it was my old hair. I asked her if she wanted me to wear my new hair. She said yes. I am so happy that she was part of the wig shopping. It will make it so much easier when I start wearing my wig. She felt a part of it and knows that I will soon be wearing it. :) So word to the wise... bring your kids to at least one wig store so they can see you trying on hair. Makes them feel like part of the process.

By the time we got home, it was time for lunch or nap. During that time... I got to put up my tired feet... and eat something. I have found lately that my appetite has been ravenous. I am gaining weight... which is good. I want to be around 115-120. I like that weight. :)

Later in the early evening, Brad's parents stopped by to drop off the kids' Valentine's Day gifts. They were so happy to see them. Amelia got a Cinderella plush doll and Elaina got a Jasmine plush doll. Then each kid got some chocolate, candy (sweetart hearts... I'm stealing Elaina's), jello, pudding and M&Ms. We then went out to dinner at 4th Street Brewing Co. That was yummy. I had a nice salad and their sepcialty sandwich... something melt. It had turkey, cheese, cranberry sauce, asparagus and bacon. It was yummy and filling.

Then by the time we got home it was time for bed. I was pooped. I'm sure you wanted a play by play... but there was really nothing going on yesterday cancer wise. I did have a couple of back spasms. But I think I only counted about 2 or 3, so they were definitely on the decrease. I did manage to pick up Elaina's icky sickies. So I have a slight head cold. I have been sanitizing left and right. But this sickness is going around. I have had sniffles and a slight sore throat from the post nasal drip. But it's nothing to be concerned about yet. I do hope that my blood counts will be high enough on Tuesday to go ahead with the port placement. I really want that. I don't want another IV on Thursday. Evelyn (MIL) is hoping to get the day off so she can go to the port placement surgery. I am still debating if I want the General Anesthesia or the local. I am leaning towards the local because it wears off sooner and I'll be able to go home sooner. I also learned that I will be shelling out tons of money on Wednesday. I have to put down $150 for the anesthesia and I have to put down a deposit of sorts in the amount of $500 for the actual procedure to OHSU. All goes towards my deductible, which I've already met... or it goes to the 80/20 for medical bills. So the $750 will go towards the 80/20. I have an out of pocket max for medical costs of $5500. So far, I've got another 4700 more to go before I hit that max. I love bills. Saving the receipts though... be a good deduction next year. I am also glad that I have medical coverage. If I didn't I would be paying a song. Just to see Dr. Luoh cost over $500 if I didn't have insurance. That was just for his services for consultation on 1/26. All I had to pay was $50. Phew.

Oh yes, on a funny note. Last night MIL wanted to see my new hair. So I showed it to her. Then I put the wig on Elaina. She looked so funny.... she looked like an 80s punk rocker. I'll have to post a picture later when I am on the computer that has the pictures on it. (Love, Love, Love this laptop)

Anywho... I'll be back again to post.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Glad you are feeling well! Love keeping up with our blogs. Take care....Sophie say Hi to the girls :)

    1. So I admit it I couldn't figure out how to not make myself "unknown" on the other comment, slow learner :)
