Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 27

Day 27... seven days past the first treatment. 7 days in to this cruel fate of mine. 7 days of hell I don't have to endure anymore. 7!

Enough of that. So today I went into work for a little bit. I didn't stay too long as I was starting to get nauseated from all the people who needed to talk to me or wanted to say something. I wasn't feeling it. Maybe I need to reconsidered taking a lump FMLA instead of intermittent. We shall see.

No up-chucking today. Been taking meds. I like atavan. Makes me feel good and not anxious. Anxious about what? Getting sick, the port procedure next week, the next round of chemo. Um, those are all things I am anxious about.

Today has been good. Brad has been home so he's been taking care of the girls. We got some couch time this afternoon and vegged. It was nice. I've been vegging all week long, but to do it with someone else was fantastic.

Last night I did manage to make dinner. I made noodles with meatballs. They were yummy and when I was done with dinner, I was so full. Oh yes, too much info... but when you're not feeling right in the tummy, suppositories are wonderful! That's all I'll say about that.

Laptop is scheduled to arrive next Wednesday! I want it now! Oh well...

Oh yes, before I was interrupted by my husband... I found out that my port placement is going to be done with Dr. Pommier. Why is this so important you ask? Dr. Pommier's younger siblings used to babysit Brad! Small world. So on Wednesday if all goes well and my blood is good, I will be going under the knife with the kid who watched Brad... or there abouts.

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