Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 24

Day 24 bites ass!

As you can see, I didn't even make it to the computer yesterday to type in an entry. Well, now I know that Day 4 of treatment will be the day where I am going to be sucking wind all day.

It started the night before. I finally took a pill at 2a to settle the stomach. Then I got up and was nauseated all over again. I managed to eat a little around 630a before the kids got up. I wanted to see if I could do without the dexomethotrate, but I couldn't. I ended up taking that medicine around 11a. But before I did that, I took a comprozine (yes, I intend to have spelling errors. I will clean them up later). After I took that, I tossed my cookies three times in the toilet. Nice. It had barely been in my body for 45 minutes when I threw up. I spoke to my mom and cried silently with her on the phone. It just sucks. I just wanted to curl up in a little ball and die. I don't like feeling like death. It's not good and having two little kids it pains me to see them wanting to play with me.

Fortunately after I hung up with my mom, Nancy called (mom called Nancy). Nancy came over for about 3 1/2 hours and watched the kids and gave them lunch. She was my savior. During that time I managed to take a little nap, drink and eat some macaroni and cheese. It was the only thing that sounded good. At about 1:45p, Nancy got the kids in bed and I was left home alone with the napping girls. It was good. Amelia got up and I was feeling better, not 100%, but good enough to converse and play princesses with her. Next Elaina got up and then it was time to make dinner. Yummy, hot dogs and fries. I needed something easy.

Brad got home around 715p and helped put the girls in bed. I got ready for bed, took an atavan and fell asleep.

Oh, yes, I did manage to get 3 loads of wash done, too!

Thank you to Jack and Nancy who watched the girls and took Emmy. Thanks to Bill who stopped by with some milk and gatorade. Thank you to everyone who has been helping out. Much love to you all.

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