Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 35 - Round 2 Chemo

Drip, drip, drip... in goes the chemo. I am at OHSU right now and I am on my last chemo of the day cytoxan!

Here's a picture of me and Brad in the infusion room!
We met with Dr. Luoh this afternoon. We rearranged my medications... so instead of taking the compazine, I am going to take zofran twice a day along with the atavan and the dexamethazone. So hopefully this will help me get over the hump.
(I am beeping which means I am done!)
Okay, I am now at home. So things are looking good. I met with Dr. Luoh and discussed the nausea issue. So we are now changing the medication for that. I am ditching the compazine and going with zofran. Then Dr. Luoh checked my lymph nodes and breast. Here's where it gets good. Dr. L said that the lymph node in my neck has gotten smaller! Good sign. He said 2 weeks ago the node was measuring around 1.5cm and he says that while it's still enlarged, it is now under 1 cm. Then he checked the lymph nodes under my arm. He said that those are getting smaller. It means the chemo is working! Lastly, he quickly checked my breast. He moved it around and he said that the breast is now more pliable and the nipple is popping out. It's all good signs that the chemo is working and the tumor is shrinking. And this is just after ONE round of chemo. It's a good good sign. I am hoping is shrinks even more. Good day good day!
Then it was time for chemo. I was worried that I would have another reaction. So for my premeds, I got a 15 minute drip of zantac. Apparently zantac helps suppress the immune system. Well, it worked! I didn't have any reaction to adriamycin. So that's wonderful news. It was a good good day.
Anyway, I am bushed and keep falling asleep during this post, so I am going to say goodnight. Love to all!


  1. Awesome news!!!!! So glad that this round went a little smoother, too!

  2. As they say in kickass videogames: "Round 2, FIGHT!" You rock! :)


  3. TERRIFIC news!!! Happy to hear that the zofran helped w/ the nausea and side effects (loved that stuff!). I agree w/Kris you continue to be such a ROCK STAR!! Love ya hon and sending nothing but happy/healthy vibes & prayers your way!
