Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 48

Now don't freak out... I am okay. Hee hee, now I have you worried! Tomorrow is round 3 of chemo and I am a bit apprehensive about it. I am okay with having it. It means I am just that much closer to the end, but I don't really want to do it because I hate the side effects. I really don't want to feel gross and what not for two to three days. I know it's only 72 hours where I am really not feeling well, but those 72 hours can feel like 72 days. I just dread the side effects. But I know that I can muster through it all. Just give me some encouragement.

Now I have no idea what's going on with my hair. Some of it is growing back, some of it is gone. Gee, if I had left it all on my head, I would have clumps of it still on my head. Just very interesting how the chemo works.

Other than that, just working working working. I am glad I have something to focus on besides this crap. Well, I am tired, so signing off. Will bring the laptop to chemo and maybe take another picture!


  1. Yes, Holly, focus on the end are getting a little closer each day.
    Please post a pic of your new hair do!
    Love to you and all the family, Liz

  2. You are doing amazing! Another 'chemo day' checked off the list. Hang in there these next few days. I can't imagine how rough it is but I know you'll pull through. Xoxoxo
