Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 44

Posting about Saturday's activities today... why? Because I was soooo busy. I take my good days very seriously... jam packing them full with fun stuff.

Saturday.... I couldn't sleep, well, actually I slept in 2 hours longer than I would have on a normal working day. But I got out of bed and did some work from home. Got a lot of stuff done between 5.30 and 7.30 when the kids woke up. Got the kids breakfast and ready for the day. Brad spent most of the day helping friends, Tracey and Eugene, move into their new home... which is really cute. At around 11.30a, Grandma Nancy came over to help with lunch and I ran over to Tracey and Eugene's to deliver a house warming gift. When I got back, Elaina was already down for a nap and I "tried" to get Amelia to take a nap. No such luck... but she had quiet time in her room. I, on the other hand, got to eat a yummy burrito in peace and quiet!

Then Elaina got up, Brad got home and Grandma and Grandpa came over (Bill and Evelyn). We went out to dinner.... yummy fish and chips. Then we went to do a little shopping. We came home and it was time to get the kids ready for bed... and by then I was soooo tired. I fell asleep on the couch and then moved up to the bedroom to sleep.

Saturday was a good day. I wasn't fatigued and wasn't nauseated... not once. I like these days and loathe the fact that in another 4 more days I have to go back in for another round. I don't mind going in on Thursdays, I just don't like the days 3-6. Those are the hardest. I will have to find out if I can take compazine, zofran and atavan at the same time. Maybe that will be my drug cocktail of choice to keep the nausea and vomiting at bay. I know the zofran kept the nausea down... but it didn't keep the vomiting from stopping. At least I know that on Sunday next Bill and Evelyn will be here so I can just hole up in the bedroom and not worry about the kids... only surface when I need some food or more water. Drink, drink, drink.

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