Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 41 - Gone Britney!

Okay, today I've done it... I've gone Britney Spears! However, I am sane.

This evening with the help of my wonderful husband, I shaved my head. The hair was falling out in droves and I was tired of having little hairs all over the place. So after putting the girls to bed, I grabbed a new razor and my shaving cream and started shaving off all my hair. Oh my gosh. It feels so good now. My head it wonderfully hairless. I started with the front (where I could see) and just started shaving. When Brad finished reading to Amelia, he came in and helped by holding up the mirror so I could see the back of my head. My head smells like raspberry rain now! The razor is now in the trash. And my head shines! LOL. I didn't get all the hair, but I got most of it. Now I don't have to wear a towel to bed! After I finished shaving my head, I put lotion on it... don't want to get razor burn. But in all honesty, my head feels great and I am so happy I shaved it. I feel so empowered.

So today at work, I told my team that I have breast cancer. They took it well. I am starting to tell more people at work so it's not so a secret anymore. I am now okay with it. I feel I am in a good place because I am two treatments down. I told my GM that I have breast cancer because I asked him if I could get a laptop so I can work from home. He said that would be a good possibility. He didn't know. He made a comment of why my boss didn't tell him. I told him that it was my request that he not tell him. It's my body and my health and he didn't have to know. It was on a need to know basis.

I am having a good time. Cancer sucks, but I am making the most of it. I don't have any ill feelings. At times I think to myself, why me. But then I say, why not me? I'm cool with where I am in life. I still love it. I love this challenge. It is a challenge that I will beat, too.

I have two more treatments of adriamycin and cytoxan. That means four more days of complete and under nausea. After that it's taxol and that means the nausea goes away. I am happy for that. I can say I am half way done with the horrible chemo. March is just around the corner... and that means I am one month done with chemo. I am looking forward to May 10. That's the last treatment of chemo (if everything goes as planned).

Well, that's it for today!

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