Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 45

Whew! What a day. It's 7:37p and this is the first time I have sat down all day long by myself. And I have been up since my wonderful husband left for work... so about 6:15a. Thank goodness it's not a bad Sunday otherwise I would be so beat. I feel like a super mom today...

What did I do today??? I did four loads of laundry (that includes folding and putting away), Swiffered the floor, vacuumed the floor, watched and played with the kids and finished up doing some work from home. The only thing I didn't do was make dinner. That was left up to a fantastic friend and neighbor, Jen! Thank you for making us dinner. The turkey tetrazinni was most delicious, the garlic bread (had just a small piece), salad and brownie for dessert was awesome! There's plenty of left overs, so we will be having it again later this week. Or maybe I will take it to work for lunch. Either way, so yummy! Oh yes, the tulips are wonderful. Nice color splash and it's nice to bring outdoors in! Oh yes, I also cleaned a few bathroom sinks and toilets. My feet are sure tired. Right now I have them elevated on two pillows. Feels so good.

Other than that, it was a really good day. Can't wait to have another good one tomorrow. Gonna watch the Academy Awards now... what's left of it. I must say that I do love seeing Billy Crystal hosting again. I lovve his intros or opening act.

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