Sunday, February 12, 2012

Shampoo and Conditioner retired...

So I have officially retired the shampoo and conditioner - at least for the next 4-6 months! I am now a bald woman... and I think I look beautiful! Early this evening I noticed that my hair was starting to fall out. Not in clumps but in strand-fulls. I didn't want to wait, so my bestest hair dresser in the world, Christine, took me in at a moment's notice.



No, I did not shed a tear. I have two pony tails and I am going to see if I can donate it to Locks of Love or whatever that organization is called. I even got to make a cut. I felt so empowered. :) It's only hair and I'm okay with it. I love Christine, who made me feel so beautiful throughout the whole process.

Tomorrow I get to wear my new wig! Hooray.

And those who are facebook users... a gentle reminder... please do not post anything about my condition on Facebook.

Love to all!


  1. You are just as beautiful as ever, hair or no hair!!! I'm halfway tempted to go bald with you ;-) Lock of Love = awesome! Way to pay it forward! xoxo

  2. You look amazing!!!!

  3. You look gorgeous! You shaved your head and probably a good 20-30 minutes of time off your getting ready routine. Now you can hit the snooze button even more! :)

  4. I love it!!! I agree with all of you....BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!

  5. You look great! You're's just hair. It'll grow back! :)
