Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 29

This post comes from.... the comfort of my couch! Yes, my laptop arrived today. It would have been here yesterday, but we weren't here for the delivery. So FedEx delivered the computer today. I am so excited to be able to blog anywhere in the house and most likely anywhere in my cul-de-sac. Tomorrow my "skin" arrives via UPS and the USPS. It's purple. I was debating about going with a pink cover, but I really am not a pink person. So I went with purple.

So I am sure you're wondering how my day went today.

Today was a very good day. I woke up this morning on time… which is a first for me. I pressed the snooze button twice instead of the four or five times I normally do. I got ready and even had a nice little breakfast before heading off to work. Work was work. One of my co-workers bought some coffee. I think I had not even 1/6 of it and I started feeling really really jittery. Then we had our shift bid results posted for the next 6 months. I got my third choice which was a Tuesday through Saturday
5a-1:30p shift. It was not the shift I really wanted. That made my stomach
really upset. (more on that later) All through this I was also dealing with
back spasms. Every so often, my lower back would just “tweak” out. It got so bad that
I took an early extended lunch.

I went home and called the nurse to see if it would be okay if I could take Tylenol since I am going in for port surgery on Wednesday. Needless to say, I finally got my answer at 3:30 in the afternoon. Dr. L was worried that it was a urinary tract infection. But I know better. I know what those feel like. And they don’t want me to take Tylenol because it will mask a fever. If I get a fever, Tylenol will lower my
temperature and it’s very important that I call if my temp gets over 100.5. So
the end result, Dr. L thinks that my muscle spasms are because of the Neulasta
shot I got a week ago. I made sure that I was stretching my back and standing
made it feel better. So I stood a lot at work today. Needless to say, my spasms
are starting to decrease. But that was the only woe I had today… regarding my

Now for the shift bids. Every six months supervisors have to go through shift bids along with the agents. I thought with me being in the top 10, I would get my first or second choice. WRONG! I got my third choice which was a shift T-Sa 5a-1:30p. I was devastated. I didn’t want the shift because I need a Monday through Friday for chemo treatments and other things. In addition with Brad back at work, he works
Sunday through Tuesday/Wednesday which would mean that we would not have a day
off together. That’s not good. Anyway after stressing about it for half a day,
I finally managed to swap my shift with another supervisor. So now I am working
Monday through Friday from 4a-12:30p. That was the original shift I wanted to
work. If she didn’t switch with me, there was another supervisor, Christi, who
would have switched with me. She is the supervisor that knows I’ve got breast
cancer. She said if the other supervisor didn’t switch with me, she would have
because she knew how important it was for me to have the M-F shift. I thought
that was soooo super sweet of her.

Other than that, it was another run of the mill day. I love my new computer. I just love the fact I can go anywhere and still be connected. I can watch MLB Network with him and still be able to check facebook. I may… just may… let him use my laptop! Hee hee hee!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Holly!!!

    This message is coming from the East Coast from Wayne, Julia, Gavin and Kristyn! You are in our thoughts and prayers everyday! We love and miss you! We hope the girls are doing well and we wish you a speedy recovery and we will be reading this wonderful blog everyday!!

