Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 28

Chemo Class. Learned about the effects of chemo.

Worked today. Had a fantastic day.

No medication at all.

Be back later for more updates. I'm hungry and my pulled BBQ chicken sammies are waiting and calling my name. I'm staaaaaarving!

Here's the recipe for the sammies (courtesy of Annie... mwah!)
2 frozen chicken breasts
1 jar/container of your favorite bbq sauce (16oz)
1 onion

Throw the chicken in a crock pot. Slice up the onions and throw them on top of the chicken. Pour your BBQ sauce over the chicken and onion. Set the crock pot for 4, 6, or 8 hours. When it's done, take two forks and pull the chicken breast apart. Stir. Put the crock pot on high for another 30 minutes. Spoon onto your favorite dinner roll, eat and enjoy.


Okay, my tummy is now full and I am able to concentrate. :)

So today I went to work and it was a great day. I feel strong and alive. Most of the nausea was gone. Every once in awhile I would have a quick little wave of it, but it was mostly due to the fact I was hungry. I got to work at about 5... so about a half hour late, but I figured that I was pretty darn close to being at work on time. I worked until 8 and then I had to leave for my chemo class.

Chemo class was good. It was very informative. They talked about feelings and how we may feel during this time of transition. They also talked about groups that are out there for us to explore. I liked the fact that a dietician came to the class and talked about what foods were good for us to eat and why we shouldn't eat too much of a "good" thing. Apparently, if you eat yourself heavy with anti-oxident rich foods, cancer likes those chemical compounds. I also found that I can eat Flintstone vitamins. Yummy! Chewables. They stressed drink lots and lots of fluids. Stay away from alcohol, teas and coffee. They say you can drink it, but in moderation. So my morning cuppa joe won't hurt me. :) Phew! We had a nurse come in and talk about the side effects of chemo. This was all stuff I knew about. Heh heh heh! The nausea, hair loss, diarrhea, etc. She also talked about when to call the doctor. The most informative part of the class was what your first chemo treatment would be like. She outlined that it would be a lot of hurry up and wait. First they do a blood draw, then wait for the results, then wait for the pharmacy to mix up your special chemo concoction, then wait some more, then verify who you are and what you're taking, then wait some more, then wait a little more for the chemo to drip inside your veins. This was "old hat" to me! :) Chemo treatments can take anywhere from 8 minutes to 8 hours. Wow, 8 hours! That's crazy. I know that my chemo - adriamycin - only takes about 8 minutes to administer. Brad and I also got to see what the port was going to look like. I'm not looking forward to the day surgery... it in fact frightens me to some degree. But I don't want an IV every time I need chemo. They suck.

Following the chemo class, Brad and I stuck around to talk to one of the ladies from OHSU, Kerry. There was another couple in the class sitting across from us. As everyone filed out of the room, the lady (about my age) just broke down in tears. I wanted to go across the room and give her a big hug and tell her that it will be okay. I just felt so bad for her. That was me just two weeks ago. Now I look at where I am... first round of chemo done and feeling good. I know that I will have a few bad days, but the good days are what keeps me going. And those bad days are not forever. :) Positive thinking.

We also found out from Kerry that Dr. Luoh wasn't taking any more new patients. She said that she had someone that she wanted to refer to Dr. L, but he said that he wasn't taking any more people. That's interesting. Because then she said that she saw my name on the manifest that Dr. L was my oncologist. I am wondering if I got some strings pulled because of Shellie. If so... thank you Shellie. I love my oncologist!

Following the chemo class, Brad and I went out for lunch at the Old Spaghetti Factory. We rushed through it, but I was craving the salad and bread. It was so delicious. Then it was back to work for a few more hours. I don't love work, but I love the fact that I can go to work and be a functioning human being.

Tonight has been a great night. I feel so normal. I don't even feel like I had chemo. I don't know if it's the honeymoon period, or if this is the way I am going to feel on 8 Days Past Chemo (DPC). I am hoping that it's just the way I am going to feel always at 8DPC. Again, I took absolutely no medication today except for Zyrtec at Dr. L's insistence.

On a fun note, my computer has arrived. However, we were at chemo class when FedEx tried to deliver it. So they will try to deliver again tomorrow. I can't wait to get it.

I want to say a special thank you to those who have sent me cards, flowers (mom & Vern, Aunt Patti & Uncle Billy, Uncle Ronny & Debbie, Uncle Paul & Aunt Lorraine, Sheila & Don) and a fruit bouquet (Suzanne, Bernie & Charles). Love all of it.

I think that's it! Until tomorrow... (maybe I'll be posting from the family room via wifi!)


  1. Wow...I just read your whole blog!! You are such an amazing strong woman, I truly feel n know that you are going to get through this. You have so much love n support. Thank you for sharing!!

  2. Sounds like you had an awesome day!! YUM spaghetti warehouse!!
