Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 57

The second Saturday following a chemo treatment is usually always a good day. Except for this Saturday. It was in no way shape or form related to chemo treatments. I woke up with a little bit of a sore throat and a headache. I felt like I was coming down with something. So after getting the kids up and their breakfast ready and done, I took a midmorning nap. When I woke up, the sore throat was gone, but my headache was still there. No matter how much I drank (water), the headache would not go away and it was one of those that hit the eyes. The whole day I just took naps. In and out of consciousness! LOL. Believe me, Brad was very frustrated. But I just couldn't keep my eyes open. Maybe it was a culmination from the week prior. In anycase, it was awful. But I mustered through it.

We made it to the birthday party. That was nice. It's nice to get out of the house and socialize with other people. People that you don't interact on a day to day basis, i.e. your co-workers. I just felt bad because Elaina spit up some noodle salad on Becky's carpet in the play room. Then she knocked over someone's soda pop in the living room and onto the carpet. Luckily we jumped into quick action and righted the can and sopped up most of the soda. Becky... hope the carpet isn't ruined! :-(

Other than that it was a fairly mundane day. We did manage to get groceries for the week. Now we wait for Grammy and Papa to come on Monday!

Oh yes, my frustrations from the previous post... lack of sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Holly....It is life as you know!!! Stains what are those lol. All is good over here!!!! We had a great time visiting with you, Brad and the girls!!! Our friends really enjoyed your girls :) And no, not ruined and thank you very much for jumping in to help. Im sorry that you had to get it and not the stinker that left it there. We all learn the hard way, but in a good way! Sweet dreams!
