Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day 70

I love these weekends when I am not sick. I get so much done.
This morning after breakfast, the family and I went to Costco. Got a few boxes of diapers, some chicken, ground beef without "pink slime" and some other things. After we went to the grocery store because we figured we didn't have enough food afterall. Actually we got some of the items that are not in Costco. Next it was home. We put away all the groceries and put the girls to sleep for their naps. After a little lunch and some TV watching and a bit of cleaning, I fell asleep in the big over sized chair. Ahh, such is life.
We had an early dinner and decided to take the girls out. There was a spring break carnival going on at the local high school. We took them to ride the rides. I can't believe how much it is for rides. One ticket cost $3.50 or if you buy 10, it's $30. I bought 10 tickets. Thank goodness all the rides took just one ticket. Our first ride was the Berry-go-round. Think tea cups at Disneyland but in big strawberries. Elaina loved it... but it took Amelia nearly the whole ride to get into it. Next on the list, the merry-go-round. Elaina and Brad went on that ride together. She had a great time on it. Then Amelia wanted to go in the Fun house. She loved the mirrors on the second floor. Our last ride was the Ferris Wheel. Ewww, I don't like that as I don't like the heights. But again, Elaina loved that one. It was so nice to take advantage of the wonderful weather and the fact that I am feeling well enough to get out of the house and do things.
When I got home, I got the mail. I wish I hadn't. I got two more bills from OHSU. They are totalling close to $1000. However, I did get a refund check in the mail from OHSU anesthesiologst. I overpaid by $45! Nice.
When we got home, I got to put Amelia to bed. Following the story, she asked me if I was feeling better. I told her that I am feeling better, but Mommy is still sick. I told her that the medicine I'm getting is making her sickness and disease go away. I said that soon I will be going to the doctor and they will take all the nasty disease away (meaning surgery). She wanted to go and see the disease. I had to laugh. I told her that I wouldn't even be able to see it. Mommy would be asleep when they take all the disease away. I told her she could visit me at the hospital. She seemed satisfied. God bless her! I try to answer her questions in the best and most simple way.
Now I am sitting here watching Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides. Interesting is all I can say so far.

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