Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 58

Well, I am certainly feeling better than yesterday. I am awake... even with the time change... and doing great. At the moment, both kids are napping! YES! That means I have alone time with me and my thoughts. It's great to not hear anything but the whir of the washer and clickety clank of the clothes spinning around in the dryer. Already am working on the 3rd load of the day!
With both kids sleeping, I got to take a Sunday shower. I find that I still take the same amount of time in the shower, even though I don't have any hair to actually wash. But I use that time to let the warm water spash over my head to warm it up. Amazing how much heat you lose through your head.
Dinner is now cooking in the crockpot. We're having the pulled bbq chicken sandwiches tonight. Grandpa Bill is coming over for dinner. I'm going to make a tossed salad and maybe some fries... or tater tots - whatever is in the freezer at the moment. The house smells so good right now.
Tomorrow Grammy and Papa (Karen and Dad) are coming into town. We'll get to spend the week with them. Dad is working in Portland this week. Karen will get to come and watch the kids during the day. On Wednesday we plan on going to the Portland City Grill. Should be a great night. Then on Thursday, I am taking a FMLA day because I have my u/s up on the hill and chemo treatment on the waterfront. This will be my last treatment of AC. Then two weeks later I start Taxol. I wonder how I will fare with that chemo drug. I am just happy that in another week and two days I will be able to say that I am halfway done with my chemo treatments.
As I have mentioned... I said I wanted to keep the blog real and honest. Not that you're constantly wondering about it... but I wanted to talk about intimacy during treatment. Now you're all aware that treatments bite. They suck the wind out of your sails for the most part of a week and all you an think of is: "how do I get 2-3 liters of fluids in your body when all you do is expell them from your body the way they came in?" But intimacy is not all lost. Forgive me Brad... but yes, we are still intimate. We just have to find creative ways. I am not always in the mood, but I also realize that there are two in this relationship and there's a give and take. So on the days that I am not feeling horrid, we "partner" up. I won't give you the particulars, but we do realize that each of us has needs and wants. It's a very delicate balance. Some cancer patients may not be intimate during this time, and some still are very actively. But it's a choice for each individual and relationship. But all I've got to say is I have a very understanding husband.
*** UPDATE ***
I didn't get too much time with both kids napping. Amelia woke up after about an hour. That's okay. I will take as much time as I can. Now both kids are in bed. I managed to get in 5 loads of laundry, fed the kids and Grandpa, bathed the kids (thanks Grandpa) and did the dishes. I feel accomplished. Now it's time to get some dessert and go to bed. The coffee is all made and the timer is set! Until tomorrow...

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