Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day 71 - Think Pink!

Phew! My dawgs are tired. It's been a busy busy busy - did I mention busy - day.

Brad went to work and of course as soon as he left I was up. Since the kids were sleeping I opened up my work laptop and worked a little from home. Got a little caught up. There wasn't much to catch up on... but I figured I would do a little work. Then I even got a shower in before the kids woke up. By the time I was done with my shower, both kids were up.

Next on the agenda - breakfast. I decided I would make pancakes since my mom is coming into town for the week. It would give her and the kids something else to eat while we were at work or not at home. I made Mickey Mouse pancakes! The rest of the flap jacks were normal dollar sized ones. The fresh ones were the MM sized. I've now got a dozen pancakes sitting in the freezer ready to be reheated in the microwave! And no, Brad, you have not become obsolete. Your pancakes are WAY better than mine.

By this time it was around 10a and I had the notion of cooking for more than just us. I threw some chicken in the crockpot and poured some homemade enchilada sauce on it and set it for several hours. Then I called Jack and Nancy to see if they would like to join me and the girls for dinner of chicken enchiladas. They said yes! Following that it was off to the grocery store because I needed to pick up a few things for the enchiladas. But before heading out... it was get the girls ready for the day.

Got back from the store and my friend Christine came over with her two boys, Andrew and Jeremy. Christine, if you remember was the one who cut all my hair off. She came to shave my head. It was so nice to be "pampered". Andrew and Jeremy came and showed off their pink ribbon socks... and Jeremy showed me his awesome pink ribbon Nike high top shoes for basketball. That was sooo ridiculously cool. The boys watched the girls while I got my head done. Elaina wasn't too sure about Christine with the razor. She came over to watch her. Then she wanted up on my lap. She watched Christine like a hawk. It was too cute.

As soon as they left... it was time for lunch. Grilled cheese for Amelia and me... peanut butter sandwich for Elaina. Elaina nearly fell asleep in her high chair. About 45 minutes later I put Amelia down. All through the day I was cleaning the house - dusting here, dusting there and straightening up the bathrooms for mom's upcoming visit as well as doing the laundry and changing our sheets on the bed. Finally Amelia was down and I got to sit down and go through a box of clothes that I got for Amelia. I got a little "online" time before Elaina woke up from her nap.

By now it was 3p and it was time for me to start making the dinner. I shredded the chicken, added the chopped onion, cheese and jalepenos. Then I rolled the enchiladas and set them for later. The next thing I knew it was time for Jack and Nancy to be here! They brought a salad and I added to the enchiladas rice and refried beans. We had the trimmings of guacamole and sour cream. Dinner was so good. It was nice to have company. Jack and Nancy left at 6:30p and then it was time to get the girls ready for bed. Brad got home and then it was putting them to bed. I finally got done and put my feet up on the coffee table at 8:15p.

Did I mention that I did 6 loads of laundry today too? I folded the clothes... even Brad's. So I think I am going to hit the hay now. Today was a great day. Feeling good and full of energy. Now it's another work week. I wonder what Thursday is going to hold for me....

1 comment:

  1. You are Superwoman!!! Love reading your blog--you are my hero. Sending you tons of love every day and strength too. xoxoxo Yo!
