Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 52 - Dreaded Sunday

So I am attaching on to the last post that I created. I am sitting here in bed. I just took the suppository form of compazine since I can't seem to get anything to stay down. However, I do feel better than what I did yesterday and the Sunday after round 2 chemo. I feel more with it and I don't have the nausea. Funny, huh? What I do have is the urge to puke. But it's not always there... it's there just when I need to. So I took a compazine about 30 minutes ago. It's supposed to work for 12 hours. I like it better because if I have to puke, it's still in my body. Unlike taking the pill form where I could just puke it out and then it would be a moot point. I skipped the dexomethasone and the zofran. I woke up this morning feeling pretty decent. After Brad left for work, I threw up. Then I felt better. After that I had some toast and water. About two hours later, I threw up again. Most of the toast was gone, but there was a little left. Got the kids up and ready. They had their breakfast. Then Grandma Evelyn got here. I threw up again. A little more toast. Shortly after that bout, Nancy stopped by to drop off my prescription which I didn't get a chance to pick up yesterday. Thank you Nancy! And now here I am... up in bed... blogging about how crappy I feel. I am wondering what I can have to eat that won't make me wretch. Crackers? Mac n cheese? White Castle?? It's funny, when I drink water it makes me feel worse. Isn't hydrating myself supposed to make me feel better? Hmmm..
A little shout out to Kate! Thank you so much for my hat! I love the color and it's keeping my head oh so toasty warm!

Oh yes, and another ache to add to my day... my neck and chest hurt from the neulasta shot. Fun times!

*** Update***

Still hanging in there. Still throwing up whatever I put down my mouth. It's funny, it's the water that really makes me feel ill. If I drink a couple of gulps, it comes right up. But I do like feeling like this than to be nauseous all day long. At least I can put away laundry and just sit and watch the girls play. It's still a crappy day.

Right now Grandma and Grandpa have the girls. They are taking them out for some dinner. Where they are going, no one knows. They are gone. I had some jello for dinner and some mashed potatoes. Maybe that will stay down. Who knows. Still feeling like grossness.


  1. You look gorgeous for feeling so crappy. I'm not sure if you are a fan of Harry Potter at all but the pattern for the hat is based off of a hat that Hermione wore in one of the movies. Hers was grey but I thought you could use some color to brighten your day. :) I hope Monday finds you feeling better! Love and hugs!

  2. I agree that you look gorgeous...Hang in there!

  3. Hey Holly, it's Rose Doherty, I use to work w/Brad at K2. Sorry to hear about your BrCa, but been there, done that, as the saying goes, back in '09. I promise it does get better, you just need to hang in there. The Nuelasta is a trip, the side effects freaked me out the first time I felt them. I must say, you're rocking the bald look & I promise you'll enjoy it more in the summer, w/really short hair. Feel free to contact me if you want to chat about anything. Otherwise, I'll keep an eye on you w/your blog. Love & xxxx's, Rose

  4. Kate - Love harry potter. I love the hat!
    Jen - thanks!
    Rose - thanks for the support and the thoughts. I know that I am nearly halfway there... and from ther it can only get better. I just have to get past the 8 rounds of chemo. I am glad that I am doing it first instead of after. That way I'll have some hair for the summer... and a wedding later in September! I'm looking forward to seeing all the cute hairstyles as my hair grows in.
