Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 50

What a tough day! I was tired all day long... and it was a looong day.

Work at 430a. I sat out in the car before I went in to work dissolving the zofran on my tongue. The zofran tastes nasty. Then I was tired all day long. But I mustered through it all. For my lunch break I sat on the phone with my insurance company. First it was Cigna. I asked them how long of a wait do I need to have before I could have my neulasta shot. They told me it wasn't a medical thing, but a pharmacy thing. So I called Medco. That rep said it wasn't Medco because I was going into a doctor's office to get it injected. So then I had to go call Cigna back. By that time I was really frustrated because in order to talk to someone you have to go through the prompts. It's really frustrating when you can't just talk to someone and have to speak into a phone and the speech analytics aren't picking up your request. So I finally got to someone and I said if you can't help me get me your manager. I finally got my answer... there is no wait time. I made sure that she documented in my account that there is no wait time. The reason, the shot costs $6000!

So all day long I was tired and feeling a little bit nauseous. But nothing came up. I don't know if it's the medication that I am taking. I just don't know. But I am starting the new drug regimine. We will see how Sunday fares.

I had a doctors appointment for Elaina and then I went back into work to move all my stuff to my new desk (shift change) and then headed to the other doctor for my neulasta shot. By the time I got home at 445p, I was exhausted. So I took a nap on the couch. Got up for dinner, got the kids to bed, then fell asleep on the couch again. Now it's Saturday morning... and I am up. :)

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