Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 61 - A break from monotony

Sorry for no post yesterday. It was a busy day. Grammy and Papa are in town and that is consuming a lot of my time. In any case, it started off fine. I went to work and then came home. Since I busted out of work so early, I didn't finish all the stuff I wanted to do, so I worked from home. That was very productive. Then I had the kids by myself for awhile while Grammy went back to the hotel room to get cleaned up for dinner. At 630p Grammy and Papa were back to pick Brad and I up for dinner. We had reservations at the Portland City Grill. It's one of our all time favorites! Grandma Nancy came over to watch the kids. It was nice of her... as Becky is ill. Nancy had to just put the kids to bed and that was it. Simple. :)

So it was nice to get out of the house and have adult conversation with my parents. We talked about all different things, not just about cancer. What did I have for dinner? I had the crab cakes with gnocchi and the potato leek soup. The crab cakes were good... but I liked the other crab cakes they had on the menu. The gnocchi was really weird. They were fried. Hmmm.... My potato soup was delicious though. I did splurge and have an espresso martini - Vanilla Stoli, kahlua, shot of espresso and whipped cream. Mmmm, so good. We got home late... around 1015p. Then I crashed.

I needed to go to bed because I had a big day in front of me... all day appointments at OHSU.

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