Saturday, April 14, 2012

Day 90 - A decrease in Neulasta

Hydration is in order. I got my two liters of saline at the Mt. Hood OHSU Knight Cancer Center and my 4mg of Neulasta. All is right in the world. My fingers and toes started tingling while I was there. So the neuropathy is setting in. I am hoping that it isn't going to be forever and will reverse itself. Time will tell.

While I was there another woman was getting her first treatment of chemo. She had three different types of chemo. When I got there, she was already on her first one. Then I noticed she was getting adriamyacin and cytoxan. I feel bad for her. This is going to be a rough ride. She just lost her husband last year. Her mother passed away from breast cancer. Yikes! She was much older than I was though.

Friday was a good day. Just was tired when I got home. Took a nap. When I woke up, I was sore. My neck and upper body just felt like it was a 90 year old's body. I took two ibuprofen and went to bed hoping that would help.

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