Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 106 - Finally got it right!

Okay it's Sunday and usually my worst day, but I think we finally got it right!

Just to catch you up...

Friday (Day 104) - went to work and had no problems. Following that I went to the clinic to get my one liter of saline hydration. I was there for about 2 hours. They started the hydration and then I fell asleep through most of it. I was soooo tired. I think I slept for about an hour and a half. When I woke up, the nurse was talking to another nurse and said she didn't want to move the IV stands because I was napping. I said I was awake now. It felt so good to nap. Following the hydration, I had my neulasta shot. Just 4mg. Then I went to Fred Meyer to pick up my Zofran prescription. That night I was feeling good. Around 9 or so is when I noticed my neck was starting to feel a little stiff and sore. So at about 10, I took 600mg of ibuprofen and went to bed. Oh yes, I took a zofran at about 8p.

Saturday (Day 105) - I woke up feeling decent. I was definitely feeling sore from the waist up. But not as sore as the previous two treatments. I think taking ibuprofen the night before was helping and staying on top of the pain. I took a zofran and got the girls their breakfast and got them on their way to see Grandma along with Daddy. I then had the rest of the day to myself to relax. I did manage to go do a little shopping. I did stop at Burger King and got two chicken snack wraps. I was jonesing for chicken strips and I had a coupon. :) That hit the spot. Then I came home and watched some TV while dozing. At around 3p, I finally got up off of the couch (I was dozing and relaxing for about three hours) and went out shopping again. Brad and the girls got home around 4:15p and that's when I started feeling a little less than great. So after Brad got back from the store, I made myself some mashed potatoes and went upstairs to eat them and nap. I got up around 7p to help get the girls in bed and then went back to bed myself. From there I was dozing in and out. I made sure I had a full glass of water next to me. Every time I got up to flip over, I would take a sip. I did NOT want to be dehydrated. I peed quite a lot in the middle of the night and somewhere during one of my trips to the potty, I stopped to get a 400mg of ibuprofen. That worked miracles. Because...

Today (Day 106) I feel great! I woke up when Brad was getting ready for work. He asked how I was feeling. I said I was feeling good today. I felt a little dizzy and I had a headache because I was all stuffed up, but I wasn't feeling nauseous. We laughed and said that finally we had gotten it right with only two treatments left. I said I'd rather have it right for two treatments than none at all. But as of right now, and it's close to 10a, I am feeling really good. I don't feel nauseous and I haven't taken any anti-nausea medication today. I had a full glass of water (16oz) already and another 8oz of Sierra Mist and now I am drinking one small cup of coffee. I ate a nice breakfast of toast with peanut butter (for protein) and still feeling awesome! I do think that the combination of hydration and decreasing the Neulasta really helped in my treatment. I think that the first Taxol treatment... the pain made me feel even worse. Once I had the pain in control, I was feeling good. Right now, there's just a little soreness. Not a lot, just a little. Now I am just waiting for Grandma to come over to help. She should be here soon... but I am not in dire need of her to be here right at 10! Hooray! Maybe I will be fit to go into work tomorrow. That will surprise a lot of people, I think!

Oh yes... I want to say... Congrats to my friend Kris... her husband just completed all his chemo! Yea! And thank you sooo much Yo for my fantastic care package. I love the vanilla body wash. It makes my skin feel so nice and wonderful. I was looking forward to the nausea candies, but I may not need them. I may have to send them back to you! ;)

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