Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 103 - Round 7!

I know I am late posting this... but I've been busy. :)

Round 7... means I only have one more treatment to go! I'm almost there!

On Thursday we met with Dr. Luoh and went over the test results of the ultrasound. He's very happy that everything is going down and that I am still responding to treatments. We are going to keep on the same regimine. He was also pleased that I didn't get as sick as I had been getting. So he ordered another hydration of a liter of saline for Friday and then 4mg of Neulasta to follow. I do think that is making a difference. We also discussed my BRCA2 positive result. He said that will most likely change some of the post treatment. I was going to go on tamoxifen for five years, but since I tested positive, he says that I will most likely get an oophorectomy and then be on tamoxifen for about 1-2 years and then I will be put on a different hormone suppressor. We want to get rid of the estrogen in my body. He said if I don't want to do the oophorectomy, they have drugs to put my ovaries to sleep. In any case, either way, estrogen will drop about 92% in my body. There are other organs that would provide the other 8% of estrogen, so I would never quite be free of estrogen. But a 92% decrease is good. I like Dr. Luoh. He is so thorough. I also asked him after my chemo-sucky treatments will there be more cancer in my body. He said yes, and that's what the hormone therapy and stuff is for. We are going to starve the cancer by getting rid of the estrogen receptors. Makes sense. He said that there may still be some "floating" around in my body... most likely from where my tumor is. But he's confident I will be fine. I trust him. Oh yes, and then he told me that he wanted me to have an ultrasound done on my left leg. He was worried about me having deep vein thrombosis (DVT)... or  blood clot in my leg after last week and my spleen issue. So after my chemo-sucky treatment, I was to go downstairs to the third floor to get an u/s. Fun times.

Next on the list of things to do was to talk to the genetic counselors. That was fast and easy. I had many of my questions answered when Kelly called me to give me the results. So there was nothing new there. They just suggest that I get out the parts before I am 40. Most likely I will get them out sometime this year, either during the double mastectomy or reconstruction. Everything seems to be going as scheduled.

Following my chemo-sucky, I went downstairs for my ultrasound. They found nothing. But it was cool looking at my veins and arteries in my leg. I am learning so much stuff about my anatomy.

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