Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 86

I haven't been posting because there really hasn't been much to say. This weekend went well. I felt great. No anxiety. On Saturday we spent the day with family as Brad had to work Easter day. Sunday was a crazy day. I was so tired by the afternoon. We got the girls up early at 630 so Brad could see what the Easter Bunny brought them. That left the girls on weird sleep/nap schedules. Elaina had a morning nap. Amelia had her normal after lunch nap and then when she woke up, it was time for a second nap for Elaina. It was a lose lose situation. (Gosh, I hate this scratch pad. Touch it and your cursor moves someplace else on the screen. Can the pad be disabled?)

Today was a busy day at work. Tomorrow it will be worse. I'm ready to be over chemo-sucky. I am not looking forward to Thursday and the weekend that come after it. Bleh.

I'm exhausted, so I will sign off for now.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. I am so sorry you have to go through this :( The not concentrating thing - chemo brain. It's a real thing - go easy on yourself. I'm sorry you have to have another "treatment" this Thursday. Thinking of you constantly! Hang in there babe! You can do this!
