Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 230 - Radiation #18... not so much

Today was radiation #18. However, when I got there, the machine was broken. So I waited for awhile to see if the machine would be fixed. It got fixed. I got on the bed and was all ready to go and then it was broke again. Sigh. So now my last treatment isn't until September 17. Still 28 sessions, but now it's extended an extra day. But what can you do? Nothing really. I could have waited to use LINAC 3, but that would mean that they would have to squeeze me in at 8p. Um, no thank you. I'm in bed by then. But it was very interesting nevertheless. I got some pictures of the machine. The LINAC was "upside down" and it was in a position I had never seen. It's been in that position, however, I have always been on the bed getting zapped. But it was interesting to see it from a different perspective. I also got pictures of Rebecca, Linea and Beth. So when I'm not too lazy and so interested in watching Caillou, I'll post pictures.

So, I still have a fact for today... Fact #18a: Today I got to see the computer system that is designed for my treatment. It's all computerized... to some degree. On the screen it has the five radiation fields that are designed for me. The just have to click on one and then they computer does the rest... in terms of setting up the field. So Dan picked my clav area and when he clicked on it, it showed the coordinates, dosage and stuff needed to line me up. In addition, there's a little animated box that shows the MLCs and the shape it makes. It animates as the keys are moving. Too cool. So each zap does the same thing... the machine sets up according to the computer.

So as I was waiting the second time... I saw many people going into the radiation room. One of them happened to be, Dorothy, the chair of radiation therapy. That would be Dan, Linea, Rebecca, etc. boss. She stopped and introduced herself to me. She apologized. I said "so what, it happens." I mean, what are you going to do... sit there and seeth? Nope, that isn't going to help any. Beth said that lots of people tend to get upset. But honestly, don't sweat it. That's one thing that I've learned is that it's pointless to get upset over certain things. It's not going to help. But after the second time it was broken, they said that they have to take the machine apart. So then I went home. Just a little bummed I won't be ending treatment on 9/14. But what are you going to do? I'd rather have a working machine that is radiating the appropriate places on my body. Oh yes, Dorothy said that there are checks the system goes through, so if there's one part that isn't functioning well, then it shuts down. Good checks and balances system!

Oh yes, I met a woman in the waiting area. She also had stage 3 breast cancer. She had an aggressive form. She said she went in for a mammogram in August - nothing there. Then in January... I think that's what she said... she went back to the doctor because she found the lump. In any case, she had a lumpectomy, but they found that the lump went all the way to her muscle. Wow! That's crazy. In anycase, she had four lymph nodes involved. So they ended up doing chemo on her after the lumpectomy. She had 6 rounds. Following that, she is in for 38 treatments of radiation. But I think that she's dealing with lymphedema because I saw a compression wrap on her arm. Her hair was growing back really nice. She had a wonderful smile. She works there at OHSU. So we chatted a little about the infusion room on the waterfront and being positive about treatment and beating this awful disease.

Until next time....

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