Monday, August 20, 2012

Day 220 - Radiation #10: Why not the whole dose of radiation?

Not much to report today. Went and had my radiation appointment. Got there and the boys weren't there, so I got the all girl team. The first two zaps went well, but the third zap got held up. Apparently, the machine went awry. I was all set for the third zap when the tech came in and had to shift the table around. LINAC 1 malfunctioned. So they had to reset it, move the table around and then go again. They did this twice. Finally it was time to get the final three radiation treatments of the day. Hooray

I got home and pooped out on the couch for about an hour. I was sooo tired. Didn't help that I stayed up too late last night watching the Kathi Goertzen memorial service. It was a wonderful tribute. Tomorrow I meet with Dr. Marquez and my radiation appointments begin at 12:40p. Oh yes, got Elaina's cake ordered for her birthday party!

Fact #10: Why can't I have my full dose of radiation at one time? First off... the whole dose could injure me. At first they said it could kill me... but then took it back because I wasn't getting a full body dose of radiation. But they said it would do lots of damage to my skin and make me feel awfully bad. However, there is some science to it. The goal of radiation is to kill any left over malignant cells. Healthy cells are harder to "get rid of." Malignant cells are easier and are more fragile. So what doctors prescribe is to get a dose of radiation, let the healthy cells heal for about 24 hours, and then get zapped again. Do this over and over again and you've got the "outlaws" dead and the good guys still around and healthy. Radiation is cummulative.

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