Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 222 - Radiation #12 Walls of lead

Dan - if you're reading this... proof-reader. That's the word we were searching for today! You will be my proof-reader.

Today marks treatment #12 of my radiation therapy. After Friday's treatment, I will officially be at the halfway mark! Wahoo! I won't say this is cake, but I can't believe how fast it's going. Today while I was getting on the table - or was I already on the table - no matter, Dan said I'm starting to pink up. Yep. I can see the radiation field now. It's amazing. And then when I was spreading the calendula on my chest and such, I looked real close and I could see little blood vessels growing over my scar line.  Interesting. It looks like a spider web growing over my boobies. Ha!

Fact #12: Some people get treatment in padded rooms. I get my treatment in a lead room. The radiation room is built out of lead. The ceilings, walls and floor are lead so no radiation escapes and those in adjacent areas will be radiated - unintentionally. The doors to the room are so friggin' thick. I am in a fortress. However, you wouldn't never know the room is made out of lead. There's a nice little drop ceiling and tile/linoleum on the floor. Tomorrow I plan on bringing my camera to take pictures of the room. Dan said I could! :)

So I've got to do a little research... I've got to pick a new oncologist. I don't know who I want to go with... hmmm...

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