Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 223 - Radiation #13: Energy 23x & 6x

Nothing really new to report. Oh, yesterday I stopped in at KATU to see some of my old friends. I wanted to thank some people personally for all the support they have given me throughout this year. Without them, I don't think this journey would be as "enjoyable."

Brought my camera in today for radiation. I snapped a picture of LINAC 1 and of Dan(imal) and Andrea. I'll post later (maybe tomorrow or Sunday). I need to get a picture of Rebecca and Linea. I am in such a rhythm with radiation, it's almost scary. Leave work, drive to OHSU, check in, wait, get on the radiation bed, say good bye and drive home. I feel like a robot!

Fact #13: My treatment consists of 23x and 6x. That means I am being treated at 23 MEGAvolts and 6 MEGAvolts (I'm emphasizing MEGA). That's a lot of power. The higher the number, the deeper it penetrates. Looking at my treatment plan (which I promise to post when I get the scanner on), the first zap (clav node that's about 17 seconds) is 6x. The second zap to the clav (from back to front) is 23x. That's also the zap that uses the wedge. Then I get two zaps to my chest wall at 6x and one zap at 23x. But I don't know which one is which. I'd have to defer to an expert on that. However I think the zap that takes 5 seconds or so is the 23x.

And that concludes today's post. :)

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