Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 231 - Radiation #18 Redux: ion chamber

My poor friends on the 4th floor of Kohler Pavillion. They can't seem to catch a break this week.

I arrived at "4th floor, radiation oncology" this afternoon. After checking in, I found that LINAC 2 went down this morning twice! Hence, my radiation therapists can't seem to catch a break this week. However, my machine was up and running again. I didn't spend too much time there because I had things to do... more on that later. But it was an uneventful radiation treatment. All I know is that I don't have to go back in until Tuesday!! And my make up session is Monday, Sept. 17 at 2.30p.

Fact #18b: I know what happened to the LINAC machine yesterday. Turns out the first issue was something about the keys. That was an easy fix. But right after that, the ionization chamber went kaput and that's a much bigger deal. The chamber calibrates the dosage of radiation. Good thing it malfunctioned. I wouldn't want to get a higher dosage than necessary.

On to what I eluded to above. My mother in law is in the hospital. She had a blister on her foot that got infected and turns out she has septicemia. It's an infection in the blood. In addition, the infection is so bad it has gone right down to the bone. So the doctor is going to do surgery on it to see if he can get all the infection out. If he doesn't, then she may have to lose her foot. In the meantime, she's on antibiotics. Please pray that amputation isn't needed. So after radiation, I was at a different hospital visiting with her.

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