Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 122 - MRI and breast cancer

Today started off not so great. I kept waking up every hour either waiting for my alarm to go off or to go pee. Finally at 3a, I got up out of bed. I felt like crap. But I had to get into work because I knew the other person who is supposed to open the building with me would not be there. So I got in and opened the building. Three minutes after my counterpart was supposed to be there, she showed up. If I hadn't been there, the building would have been open with no supervisor and no one to disarm the building. I can't tell you how pissed off I was. So I waited around until a few more supervisors came in so I could leave. I finally got out of the building at 6a.

When I got home Brad was getting the girls ready for Becky. Amelia said she was not feeling well. Brad was not feeling well either. Nevertheless, we got the girls ready. I went back to bed and fell asleep for about an hour or so. It felt good to sleep. Brad came home around 9:30a because he wasn't feeling well either.

At about 10.30a I left because I wanted to drop off some diapers at Becky's. Elaina was having some issues. Poor girl! :(

I got to the hospital at 11:45 and at 12 they called me back to put the line in my arm. The nurse couldn't find it so I got poked three times. Then they called the IV team. They never showed, so another nurse tried another place on my arm. She go in and I was good to go. Unfortunately, that took an hour. So I was running late already. I made them call the breast center to make sure they knew I was running late because of the MRI. I downstairs and they were ready for me. I made myself comfy on the table... face down... with my boobs dangling in the wind. I made sure to ask the techs to put the contrast in me at a slower rate that way I wouldn't get nauseous. I even took a half of ativan before getting on the table. The scan went well and it was only 15 minutes long. Glad it went well. While I was leaving, I saw a scan of my boobs on the screen. Pretty cool.

I hurried up and got dressed to move on to my next appointment which was my mammogram. I got there and checked in. Debbie, the receptionist, said I was so brave. She was the one that I talked to yesterday and said that I wanted to do the MRI. In any case, the mammogram was fine. There wasn't any issue.

Then I went back to wait for my ultrasound. It was then I saw Brooke. I love that nurse. She's awesome. She said that I always make her feel happy and good. :) Neato. Next it was the ultrasound time. I got a tech who was from France. She was nice. I was watching what she had on the screen. It was really difficult to see what she was looking at. She finished and then left the room to get someone to look at the pictures. I was just dozing when the door opened and Dr. Chan walked in. He said that he got to take a look at my MRI and it looked clear. I said, "Excuse me?" He said that he can't find the tumor on it. He also said the French woman was having issues find the tumor on the ultrasound, so he wanted to tak a look at it himself. I said fine. He even had issues. What happened is that the tumor has shrunk so much that it may be in "littler" pieces. He checked the lymph nodes and he said those have all shrunk. I started tearing up on the table. I was not expecting that sort of news. I expected to hear that it was still there, but smaller. Not that the MRI didn't show anything. I am sure there's still tumor. Now I am going to ask if I would be a candidate for a lumpectomy.  I will not get a lumpectomy, but I just want to know if I would be a good candidate for it. I asked what he saw on the mammogram. He said that my breast tissue is so dense it's really hard to see anything. Cool. Before Dr. Chan left, I made him repeat the MRI results. I am so happy and elated with the news. Too cool. Now I can't wait until the appointments on Thursday. I'm beating this breast cancer. It picked the wrong girl.

On my way home, I stopped by to see Dr. Desiree Bley to tell her about my good news. I also wanted to ask about what to ask the gynoc. We want minimally invasive surgery. Good to know. It was nice to see everyone else there too. :)

I am pretty wiped... so I will be going to bed. More later. Still so excited


  1. Holly!!!! That's awesome news!!!!! I'm so happy for you right now!

  2. I second Kate's comment... That is awesome! You go, girl!! Xoxoxo

  3. That is awesome Holls! I've got happy tears!! You're a tough woman...cancer is going down! :)

  4. That is the best news I've heard in a long time!!! I am tearing up just thinking about you and what you have overcome!!! You kicked it's @$$!!!!!!
    Hugs to you!!!!!

  5. AWESOME NEWS!!!!! Yay! Girl you're right...cancer picked the WRONG chick to mess with. YOU TOTALLY ROCK!!! God is good & I'm ecstatic for you w/this news!! Love ya Hon!! Mwah!!

  6. Fantastic news!!! Hallellujah & Praise the Lord!!

  7. Wow!!!! Holy cow Holly! Haha! This is wonderful news, congratulations on fighting the fight!!! Love and Aloha to you!
