Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day 239 - Radiation Blisters

Fun times continue... this morning I woke up to blisters. Yes, blisters have formed under my arm in the axilla area. They have not opend, but they are there. So I called the on-call radiation oncologist this morning. I explained the situation. She told me to continue with putting calendula on the blister and aquafor lotion. I asked if I should put gauze on it because the blister is where my arm brushes across the side of my body. She said that would be good... reduce friction. She told me to call if the blisters open. I said I would because I don't want them to get infected. Looks like I will be meeting with Dr. Marquez on Monday. We will see if we need to rest from radiation for a few days to let the blisters heal or to move the radiation treatment so it's not getting that area. Sigh. When things were going so well... this bites.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry , that really does bite. I was hoping you would just skate through this phase. :( Well here is to healing fast and no other issues.
