Friday, September 7, 2012

Day 238 - Radiation #22: Mammosite

TGIF! Here I am sitting outside on the deck in the 90 degree weather watching my kids play in the pool. Today is supposedly the final day of nice summer weather... well, the last 90 degree day we will have of 2012. That's okay with me, because I am eager to get on with 2013 as I am sure many of you are in favor of.
Elaina (front) and Amelia (back) playing in the pool.

Me! Look at the blue sky behind me!

Today was a quick, fast, painless day of radiation. I ran into the other lady I talked to about a week ago. She was just finishing up her treatment for the day. We said hello. She only has 8 treatments left. I told her I have 6 after today (SIX! WOW!). I told her that I have decided to go with Dr. Chui for my next part of cancer treatment. She said that is a good choice and she really likes him. Good. I have confidence now. Well more confidence in picking a doctor to replace Dr. Luoh. Nothing much to report.

Fact #22: (courtesy of Andrea, the fill in from the other machine) There is another form of radiation treatment. It's called Mammosite. It's an internal form of radiation. It's a 5 day, high density form of treatment. There's a catheder that's placed inside the breast. There's a balloon at the end of it and it's expanded. There's a thin tube to where from which the radiation is emitted. The device is then hooked up (external) to the radiation source. From doing just a little bit of research, I think it's more for women who have a lumpectomy.

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