Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 198 - Not much to report

Not much to report here... except that sometimes I work with a bunch of babies. Grrr!

Went to physical therapy today. I forgot to write that during last week's PT session, I had a cord snap. It was uncomfortable for a moment, but it wasn't a sharp pain... more like a dull pain if that makes any sense. In anycase the PT asked if I felt it. I said it hurt. She said that a cord snapped. Hmm... Today was a good PT day. I did go down in my range of motion, but I'll gain it back. I blame the fill. But I still have good ROM nevertheless. I learned that during radiation, neither me or the PT will be able to massage the cords under my arm. The tissue gets damaged or is more susceptible to damage. But I will be able to stretch the cord down the arm. In addition, I am supposed to do my stretches for the year after radiation stops... to keep my arm and tissues more pliable and flexible.

Tomorrow I go for my radiation mapping. Should be interesting. I only hope that Dr. Marquez isn't backed up for hours. Ugh! I also have my last fill. It will be a mini fill. I don't know how much yet. I can go up to 35cc's, but the more I do, the more uncomfortable I will be. Hmmm... any suggestions?

I want to give a shout out to Bryon. He's getting his port placement for his chemo this week. I also want to give a shout out to Steve, my step-dad's friend. He's battling cancer as well... and it seems to be spreading again. He's got a way to go, but I hope he can keep a positive outlook and beat it back down into submission. Please pray and keep them both in your thoughts and prayers as they are facing an uphill battle.

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