Friday, July 20, 2012

Day 188 - Another fill & PT

Physical therapy is going well. My range of motion continues to increase and doesn't decrease too much in between. My therapists say that my stretching at home is going well and they can see that I have been working really hard at it. They even said that I can go down to PT two times a week! So starting next week, I am going on Monday and Wednesdays. That is so awesome. Currently I have 8 more sessions and looks like I will continue with PT through some of my radiation.

Yesterday I got my second to last fill. I got a fill of 85cc's. Whoa! That's a lot. Today I hurt. I hurt so bad that I couldn't get out of bed. In fact, I hurt yesterday that as soon as Brad got home, I went to bed and slept. As of 4pm, I still hurt. Added to the fact I had to wait an hour and half to get my fill. My appointment was at 12.30p and I didn't see anyone until after 2p. I was late to another appointment. I was not very happy. But I got my fill. I only have 85cc's left and I think I may break them up into a 50 and 35. I am so uncomfortable right now. It feels like I have undergone a mastectomy again... the chest feels so compressed. I can't take a deep breath in and it hurts when I move a certain direction. I almost wanted to cancel my PT appointment. Thank goodness I didn't because I got Sherah who worked on my pectoral muscles. She worked to loosen them up. So I've been taking ibuprofen and even took a pain pill I got from the mastectomy surgery. All that did was put me to sleep.

In any case, not much else to report. I'm going to rest now and watch The Lion King.

Special thanks to Uncle Wayne and his family for a wonder fruit basket from Harry & Davids. The pears are delicious. Also a way to go for a friend whose tumor marker went down to 7! Yippee! And a third shout out to Bryon, who was just diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer... he's ready to kick some cancer butt.

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