Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 165 - Still healing from mastectomy

It's nearly 2 weeks since the double mastectomy and I am still healing. Sometimes I wish I could self heal in the matter of moments... but alas I am not Wolverine or an angel! Ha! But I am getting better.

Monday I went back to the doctor... or tried. The PA was not in on Monday... it was his day off, so I had to see Christine, the nurse navigator who said she'd pull my drain if they weren't available. So at 1p, I went to see her! While I waited, I saw Brooke and she and I chatted for about 15 minutes. So nice to see her. She's awesome. I thanked her for getting Dr. Naik involved in getting me a private room. She thought I looked great. We were chatting so long that they paged her because they were looking for me! Ha! Then I went and saw Christine. I had emailed the team about my lymph node in my neck, wondering if it was clear of cancer and how they would figure that out. Christine told me that Dr. Naik isn't concerned about that node and believes it's cancer free. But she said that she would put in an order to get a new PET scan done so I can confirm it just for peace of mind. I said thank you and would like that done. Then she took out my drain and helped me get into a T-shirt. It was nice wearing a shirt that didn't have a holder for a drain. It feels so good to walk around without a drain, too! :)

Yesterday, my mom and I had a mother-daughter day. It was so nice. We went and had a manicure/pedicure. Then went and had lunch followed by shopping! My mom got the mani and I got the deluxe pedi. We went shopping and I got a few tank tops that has the built in bra, a t-shirt, skirt and a v-neck dress. All the clothes fit perfect. And the tank tops... I have nice little boobies! Brad says he thinks I came out with the same size boobs as I went in. And the dress... it's a v-neck and you can't see any scar. I want to go and get some more of those tank tops. I like them a lot... they are so soft. And the skirt is very cute too. Oh yes, and I showered on my own. No more drains!

Today just hanging out with mom and the girls. The weather is nice, so they will be going outside to play in a few and I plan on working from home. I've got an appointment for the Physical Therapist who will help me with the cording issue. It's an out of network, so we'll see what happens and how much I will have to pay. If it's too much, then I may go back to Providence Portland's PT and work with them. I have a relationship with them and my former PT says she has counter parts who work with patients with lymphedema and such. So I may give them a call. Other than that... not much else to report. My hair is growing. Mom keeps commenting on it every day. It's now starting to cover the scars on my head. I know that I had to pluck my eyebrows on Sunday! I haven't done that in a long time! Goes to show that my hair is definitely growing in.

Until next time... (oh yes, I promise to post pictures...)

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