Monday, June 11, 2012

Day 149 - Today I forgot...

It's day 149... and today I for a minute I forgot I had breast cancer.

I took Amelia to her 4 year check up and was waiting for the nurse to come back into the room and give her her vaccinations. Then the doctor came in and said, "No vaccinations today." He said that he noticed I had no hair and wanted to know where in my chemo treatment I was. I totally forgot that I had treatment for breast cancer! I'm glad he stopped and asked. One of the vaccinations is a live virus and he didn't want to run the risk of me getting infected. He asked if I had a CBC... I told him that my last draw my levels were back to normal... white blood - normal, red blood - a little below and platlets - normal. I was four weeks past my last chemo-sucky treatment. He said that I should be fine because my counts were nearly normal... but just to be on the safe side he would hold off on the live virus vaccination. He left. I then poked my head out and asked the nurse (the one who actually noticed that I didn't have any hair) and asked if I could wait to do both when we bring Elaina in at the end of summer. I didn't want her to have a shot now and another in two months. That would be just plain ol' wrong.

Well... I don't have much time left with the body I started this life off with... I have limited time with my boobies. But that's okay. I figure they're so small I won't miss much of them. Hee hee! I will miss the feeling that came with them, but I know they don't make me any less of a woman. In fact I'd rather have my hair back. If anyone is reading this who has had a mastectomy... did you have a little "good bye" party for your boobs?

Oh yes... and on Friday I got this awesome gift in the mail:
Yes, They're Fake T-Shirts
Mine is in pink... thanks Suzanne. Her note said she got me a larger size to fit those brand new bigger boobies! LOL
I don't think there's much left to write... however, I do want to give a big cheer to my mystery follower whose tumor marker is down yet again... 225 to 14! Hooray. And now this person gets to ditch one of the three cocktails of chemo-sucky.

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