Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 366 - ONE YEAR!

One year today I was at the Oregon Zoo with my family enjoying the day. In just a few short hours, my life would forever change with one phone call.

Today marks one year since my breast cancer diagnosis. One of my friends sent me a shirt during treatment that read "I will fight and I will win." Well, at this pivotal mark in my life, I can say that I have won. I have won my short term goal of getting all the cancer out of my body. I have won the right to see and enjoy another day. I continue to fight cancer every day by taking my tamoxifen. Each day, though, I am coming out victorious and I plan to continue on this streak. I am going to be undefeated.

Reflecting over the past year... I've had lots of ups, downs and in betweens. I can't stress enough - if I didn't have the love and support from my friends and family - this victory would not have been easy. The first few days were filled with uncertainty, followed by anger and then with the will to survive. I have learned a lot about myself - my limitations over the year. I have also learned a lot about breast cancer and the treatment itself. All this I believe I have shared with you over the course of the journey.

Following my last radiation treatment - almost four months ago - you may have noticed that my blogging has been sporadic. I have rejoined gotten back in the fast lane of life. I never exited life's freeway, just merely merged over to the slow lane during treatment... only to merge in and out of the slow lane and center lane. But I can now say that I am back in the fast lane moving with time and enjoying life. And that is why I am not blogging as much. I'm enjoying life. Spending time with my family and friends and trying to leave as much of cancer behind me as possible.

Cancer survivors often say that there will be a time when you don't think about cancer. I admit that I do have my days where I don't remember the past year and then there are days where I remember. I stretch a certain way or the kids push on my chest - they are all reminders. I get out of the shower and look at my chest and I don't cringe (never did). I just look and think what beautiful skin I have and that I've finally got the big boobs I always wanted. I look ahead at what is to come instead of dwelling in the past.

Cancer will always be a part of my life. I accept that. But I will not let it rule my life.

And with that... I've got 62 more days until I go on my celebratory cruise. When I return, I'll have my tissue expander and oophorectomy surgery and I will be done.

If you don't mind, will you please respond to my poll to the right of the blog. Some of you have told me I should publish my blog. I want to know if you think I should.


  1. Holly, you are awesome! Congrats on hitting the one year mark!

  2. Ditto what Kate & Jen said!!!!! Yeah!!! So happy for you. :)- Liz
