Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 136 - Pink Attire!

A shout out to my girl, Ann! Thanks so much for my package! I can't wait to start reading again. I forgot to tell you that I finished "Death Comes to Pemberley" right before my last treatment, so I was on the hunt for a new book to read. I am excited to read "Fallen." Thank you for the wonderful shirts, too. There were three shirts... one for me that reads "Losing is not an option. I will fight I will win." Then there was one for Amelia. Hers reads: "I wear pink for my mommy." And then there's one for Elaina: "She wears pink She fights hard She is my hero She is my mommy." I love it! All three of us will wearr our shirts and I'll have Brad take a picture so I can post our matching outfits. Thank you so very much, Ann! Mwah!

While I am on the subject of thoughtfulness... I don't think I thanked Anne for her gift... a water bottle. I get to customize the bottle. How awesome is that? I will have a one of a kind hydration station. :)

I have another appointment scheduled... I have an appointment for my pre-op breast surgery appointment on Thursday at 10:15a! Wowsers. I can't believe how quickly time is flying by.

Hair is growing back... it's still peach fuzzy... but at least it's longer peach fuzz. My eye lashes started to fall out with two more treatments left. But it's just the lashes on the bottom. So I have about 5 or 6 lashes on the bottom... but it's full on top. Eyebrows are still there... they're not as thick as normal, but you can tell that I have brows.
Dad is in town... and last night we went out to the Portland City Grill. Oh my was it delicious. I had a drink called the Lemon Chiffon Wedding Cake (Pearl Wedding Cake vodka, fresh lemon sour, bartender’s whipped cream). I took one sip and it was a flash back to my wedding cake almost 10 years ago!

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. That martini sounds amazing! I am so proud of you for everything you have gone through and how strong you have stayed through it all! I know we haven't got to see you as much as we would like, but we all love you and think of you often. Can't wait to see you this weekend :)
