Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 117 - Round 8 The End!

Round 8... the final round of chemo sucky...

There is no internet connection here at OHSU for some reason. I don't know why, so I will write and then post later. Currently I am halfway done with my last treatment! Today has been so awesome. I never dreamed it would be here so fast. But it is and I am super duper excited.

So, I went in for my bone density scan. I had to strip down to just my panties and then wear one of those fabulous hospital gowns. Then I laid on a table while the machine took x-rays of my spine and my right hip. What they are looking for is how far the x-rays penetrate my bone. My spine looked great and so did my hip. No signs of bone loss. They only looked at my right hip because if they see bone loss there, then it should be throughout my whole body.

Then it was time to head upstairs for labs and meet with Dr. Luoh. I had to go pee really bad, so I walked back into the infusion room to get a specimen cup. Jon was back there and he has several specimens in his hand. I asked him if he can print up a label. He replied, "Can't you see I'm busy?" To which I retorted, "That's why God gave you two hands!" So he printed me a label. As I was leaving to go back to the waiting room, the starter nurse, Net, saw me and said that I she was just about to find me to start my line. Oh good... I got my needle and blood draw and then went out to wait for Dr. Luoh's appointment.

Got called in and saw Dr. Luoh. It's nice being the first patient on his list. Excellent. My appointment was done in 1/2 an hour. We talked about how this past go around was. I told him that it's good and that I didn't get sick at all. He was happy with that report. He checked my breast and said that it looks like the tumor is getting softer. We went over the bone density and the clotting test. He said that I am already ahead of the curve when it comes to the clotting issue... I guess meaning that I don't have any mutations, so we don't have to worry about blood clots. We talked about the next step and when I will be seeing him again. Looks like I will be seeing him in September. I said, oh yea, a summer vacation! We talked a little about surgery and lymph nodes. I asked him how long does chemo sucky stay in your body. He said that the medicine is in your body for about a week after. Then I asked him if I could get a picture with him since he took pictures of me at the beginning of treatment. So here is the result:
Me and Dr. Shiuh Wen Luoh

Following that, I went to go schedule my neulasta and hydration appointment. It was then Jon said he had a chair for me. It was 1030. Sweet! I got to start my treatment early which means I get to leave early! Maybe I'll get to stop and get a frappaccino.

I've been getting so many visitors today. Bruce Murdock (DJ for K103 radio), on his way home, stopped by to say hello. He stayed for about a half hour and we just talked about anything and everything. It was good to see him. Next, Jim Newman who works here at OHSU, stopped by for our last treatment. If you recall, we've met up with him twice before for lunch or just to converse. Today he bought and brought us lunch to celebrate. So flippin' excited. I had a cobb salad and the boys had a reuben. It was sooo tasty. Following that I got asked to be in a study. They want to take some of my tumor biopsy and search for DNA mutations. I don't know if I want to participate because it stays in my medical records. I wouldn't have to do anything or pay anything. Hmmm...

Bruce Murdock & me

Jim Newman, Brad and me

So I should now have about an hour left. I am so excited. Did I tell you how excited I am?? Very very very excited.

**** **** ****

Okay, now I am home. I go done with my chemo sucky at 2:40p... which was 20 minutes early. I was a tad bit disappointed as there were no whistle or bells or certificates stating that I was done with chemo sucky. But that's okay, I had my own cheering squad. I won't say that I am completely done with chemo sucky until I get though the weekend.

Here are a few more picures...

Kerry Weymouth (social worker) and me

Brad was complaining about the visitor's chairs being uncomfortable, so we traded places.
He thinks my chair was more comfy.
Dr. Luoh passed by and did a double take when he saw me sitting in a regular chair and Brad in the chemo chair. He just chuckled.

Two of my favorite Oncology Nurses, Beverly and Nicole.

And that concludes Phase 1 - neo-adjuvant chemotherapy. Off to Phase 2 - surgery. This will be my hiatus from everything and I won't have to do much but relax and get stronger.

Tomorrow I get my 4mg of Neulasta and my one liter of saline. Then I wait and see! I promise I will get a picture of the $6,000 shot. I want to get a picture tomorrow of the 4mg shot. Then I'll show you both!

Oh yes, when I got home, I had a package waiting on my front porch. My dear friends Annie, Brooke and Kelli sent me chocolate covered strawberries to celebrate my last and final treatment of chemo sucky. Thank you so much girls! I love you! xxxooo

I'm sure I am forgetting something.... so thank you if I haven't thanked you already!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! I'm sure you'll have an extra super mom's day!
