Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 353 - Goodbye 2012!

I have never been so glad to kiss a year goodbye. This year has been one of those that I wish to forget. For the most part it was decent... especially the back half, but the first six months sucked a$$.

But before I drop kick it into the past, I want to thank everyone who has been following this blog. Without your support, I don't think I would have made it. Yes, I would have made it to 2013, but not in great spirits that I am in now. Love to my family and friends. There are a few of you... and you know who you are... that without your constant prayers and just kind words of encouragement have lifted my spirits immensely.

I am happy to be alive.

2013 goals - new boobs and maintenance visits to the doctor.

Can't wait for it to start... only 7 hours 45 minutes... and I'll be ringing it in by sleeping. Yes, got to go to work at 4a.

PS Did I mention that I am now potty training Elaina???

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day 333 - So brave

There's really nothing going on in my world. This Thursday I have my two month follow up with Dr. Chui, my oncologist. Still plugging and chugging away. I can't believe that it's been nearly a year since the diagnosis. It's gone by so fast.

On a different note... I learned that Vern's brother's wife has cancer (learned of this last month). However, I found out today what the course of treatment will be. She is choosing to be brave and strong. She has decided to forgo chemo treatments. She has cancer in both her liver and pancreas. Please pray for her and her family - to give them all courage and strength. Love to you guys!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 324 - Happy Birthday!

Wowsers, it's been a long, long time since my last post.

Today is my birthday and I am happy that I am celebrating my birthday still alive, healthy and cancer free. I plan to spend a lot more birthdays this way.

Other than that, not much new is happening. I am still taking tamoxifen. I haven't gotten any adverse side effects. I sometimes get hot flashes, but I don't know if that's because of me running around the house, standing too close to the oven or drinking hot beverages. I seem to notice I get them when I am doing one of those activities. So go figure. My next doctor appointment is December 13. That's with Dr. Chui.

I am still doing my arm stretches. My left arm continues to tighten - rather my pectoral muscle. So I am stretching that religiously. I can move my arm straight up and to the side and up, but when it comes to stretching it behind me, that is where I find the most resistence. But am told that if I keep at it like it will get better.

Until next time...