Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Day 263 - Radiation Check

Wow... today was a busy day. Started off with going to work at 4a. Halfway through my shift, I developed a nasty headache. Who knows why. In any case, I took some ibuprofen and that helped just a little. When I got home at 1240, I knocked down another one. I grabbed Emmy and was off in the car again.

I just made it to my appointment at OHSU radiation. Today was my two week check up. I got there and got all checked in. I didn't even sit down to wait before I heard Dan in the hallway. He saw me and came over to give me a big hug. :) I like Dan. He's great. Then I went and saw Rebecca, Andrea and Linea... who was at lunch. Rebecca is finally without her boot. Yay! Dan was going to take me to see Linea, but then Nicole grabbed me to do my weight and blood pressure. She was accusing Dan of stealing her patient! Love it. Once I was in a room, I waited for about a half hour for Dr. Marquez's new resident to appear (the new three month rotation occured on Oct. 1, and Dr. Siddiqui is now on elective rotation). Dr. I-forget-his-name, but his first name is Joe came in and talked to me and then went to get Dr. Marquez. She finally came in... but I could hear her down the hall. I heard her ask where my room was because she knew that I would be fast. She came in and asked how I was doing. I said I was doing great and my skin was healing really well. I lifted up my shirt and showed her how great it was. Right now my skin is just doing the normal peeling process. I told her that I am slathering Eucerin lotion on me. She said that's great. She looked under my arm where the blisters were. She said that was looking good and then wanted to see me in 4 weeks instead of 6. When that happens she'll release me. So I guess she's happy with the progress and that I am right on schedule. And that means that I'll most likely be able to get my final reconstructive surgery before the year is out! Wahoo! Following the quick check up, I went to say hi/bye to Linea. I gave her a hug. I wanted to schedule my follow up appointment, but Dr. Marquez is all booked up, so I have to call her Beaverton office. After that... I ran back to Linac 1 and said bye to Dan. He said that he'd walk me out, and then he gave me another hug and told me to see him again. Yup. I'll definitely stop by. :) Those guys/gals were great.

So then after my doctor appointment, I ran with Emmy for her doctor appointment. I took her to the vet to get her rabies vaccination. She's 16 pounds and Dr. Berger says she's doing great. Then it was time to fly to pick up the girls. And now I'm home. Yay!

As you can see... it was a full day. My next appointment is with Dr. Chui on Oct. 19. I have a follow up appointment with Dr. Naik on Oct. 22 and then we'll see when I'll get an appointment with Dr. Marquez since she's all booked until Nov. 27. Her scheduler is emailing her to see if she can double book me. Hopefully in early November... er, next month (I like the way that sounds) I'll be able to schedule an appointment with Dr. Thacker for the tissue expander exchange.

Oh, and I got another radiation fact. Fact #29: Radiation boost... that is an extra dose of radiation. It's more for women who get a lumpectomy. What they do is target the area just where the lump was moved... so it's more specific and concentrated. Interesting.

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