Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 213 - Discharge Papers & Radiation #5: SSD

I open with sad news. I learned today that one of my former co-workers passed away. Kathi Goertzen of KOMO TV in Seattle, WA died today after battling - for many years - benign brain tumors. Just last week, she was admitted into the hospital and today, with her family surrounding her, she passed on to God. I worked with her from 1996-2000. Kathi was an amazing woman and will be missed. If you would like to know more about her, CLICK HERE.

Kathi Goertzen dies after long battle with brain tumors

On a lighter note, I got my discharge papers from physical therapy! I forgot to call and cancel my appointment today, so I drove over there right after work and talked with Cassie, my therapist. I told her that I was doing good and she said that she would take measurements and send me off. My final measurements... 170 degrees in abduction and flexion. Remember I started with 85 and 70 degrees... or something small like that. But I can now do about 90% of the things I used to do. I just have to remember to keep stretching for the next year as my skin and muscles could get tight from radiation. She said that after I get my tissue expanders out and the real McCoys put in, I will most likely be right at the 90 degree start off point... oh well. At least I won't have to deal with cording. :)

Radiation was a blast - literally. There's a new guy, Dean. So he was setting me up on the table and making sure I was on my mark. Thank goodness Linea and Dan were there, cause he wasn't hitting the marks that he needed to be at. Which leads me into Fact #5: SSD: That is the Source to Skin Distance. While they are lining me up, they are reading off measurements. They use my tattoos as a jumping off reference point and then move me up/down/side according to what Dr. Marquez has ordered for me. So as they are getting me lined up, they're reading off numbers.

Also got my FMLA papers back from Nicole. And hopefully I will be able to get my course of treatment printed out so I can share with you all!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about your friend. Congrats on finishing PT!
