Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 78 - No April Fools

Taxol was supposed to be the easier of the chemo treatments. Nope, not for me. Last night I spent 5 hours in the ER. Yesterday I couldn't keep anything in. I was either throwing up or it was going out the other way. At about 10p, I couldn't take it anymore, so I told Brad to call the on call oncologist at OHSU. They seemed to think I was dehydrated. It's a vicious cycle. Nauseous, throw up, can't keep fluids down... which makes the nausea even worse. So at about 11p last night Brad and I went to Mt. Hood ER. It took about 2 hours just to get a room. Then it was another two hours. They popped me full of saline (one liter), zofran, pepcid and IB profin stuff for my achy body. By 4a, I was feeling good.

Now it's 9:30a and I just popped a zofran just in case. I don't want to be going through this again. In addition, I have been sipping fluids all morning. So far I have been keeping things down. I did have a small box of cereal. That has stayed down. We shall see what the day brings. I'm just so done with this crap. Last night I told Brad I don't want anymore. I just wanted to give up with the chemo. I was throwing up stomach acid as there was nothing left in my body to heave up. It was terrible.

I think I am going to nap now. I will let you know how I fare later today. Say a few prayers for me. I need it and the encouragement to keep going. I'm lucky to have my mom here to watch the kids for me.


  1. Oh Holls. I am crying for you. It's not fair and this sucks!!! Prayers are being said and I wish there were more I could do for you :( keep fighting hon you have so many people that love you!

  2. Holly, I'm so sorry you have to go through all this crap. Hopefully they can figure out the right "cocktail" so that next time won't be this awful. I'm thinking about you! Hugs from the east coast!

  3. Hi Holly,

    Sorry to hear that you were in the ER this past week. I can't even imagine how difficult this must be. Wayne, Kristyn, Gavin and I often think of you and you are always in our prayers. We sincerely wish you a full and speedy recovery. Karen has sent us several pictures of your daughters and they are absolutely beautiful. I hope we get to meet them at Bruce's wedding in September.

    All our love and best wishes.
    Wayne, Julia, Gavin and Kristyn
