Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 65

5DPC was a little better than previous weeks. It started off really ill. I was puking in the middle of the night. But it did seem a little better. I managed to eat quite a bit during the morning hours and held it all down. However, around 2p, it all started to go the wrong direction. Maybe it was because I had too much to eat for lunch. I have no idea. I do know that I was craving wonton soup. Brad was too funny, he said that maybe I'm "coming out of it" because I was craving chinese food. But I wasn't in the mood to venture out. So I had some White Castle cheeseburgers. I think that was my falling. It wasn't long after I ate those that I started to feel a little nauseous. So I took some compazine and benadryl in hopes to keep whatever I had down. It didn't help because I did end up tossing my cookies. I even took some atavan, but that didn't help much either. Finally I decided to make some white rice. That helped my tummy settle. Maybe I am just hungry and that's why I get so sick. I will have to remember to keep something in my belly. I have also found that when I drink water it makes my stomach sour as well. I have stuck to apple juice and Sprite. That seems to help a little too.

As for work, I am working from home. I did so for about 4 hours yesterday. It felt good to get things done. I got lots of work completed that I needed to get completed and I was able to watch over my agents from home. I made sure they were doing their job correctly. Thank heavens for VPN.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Holly,
    I have just read all your postings and I am in awe of how brave you are and how upbeat you remain even when you are exhausted. You are truly amazing and an inspiration to everyone who is following your days. Hang in there Kiddo, we will pray for your recovery...hopefully very, very soon! I hope the worst is behind you and your days will become better and better! Take special care!

    Love, Linda and Reg Richards
