Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 25

5 Days past first round of chemo.

So far today has been going so much better than yesterday. My major accomplishment... getting into the car and going to get some Taco Bell. I was craving bean and cheese burritos. It is the only thing that I can manage to get down and stay down. Go with what you know right?

Much more other stuff to talk about... port is scheduled for 2/15. Have to go in and get blood work down on 2/14. The nurse called me and said that the way to stop the nausea is to be on top of it and take the medication all the time. She says it's not forever and that they can change the medication if it's not doing what it needs to be doing. So far it's okay. I'm not complaining. I am not tossing my cookies all the time.

Speaking of which, I did toss my cookies in my sink. That was a treat. Never mind that... now my sink is all nice and clean. It needed a nice cleaning. I did dry heave earlier this morning, but that was before I had anything to eat. So now I have crackers in my night stand for those times where my tummy is not so good.

I'll be back later with more. I just wanted to post something for today. I wish I had my lap top now. It would be so much easier to post. :)


  1. Just wanted to say, Love ya, Holls!! Thinking about you ALL THE TIME!!

  2. I'm with Kelli...I think about you all day too! So glad you are feeling better today! YAY for Taco Bell!!! And holy cow about doing 3 loads of laundry...I don't even do that on a GOOD day! You are a SUPER ROCK STAR!!!

  3. Yes, stay on top of your meds. The nausea is a lot harder to control if you wait until it's to late.
    Taco Bell, yum! Eat whatever sounds good!!
    What a blessing Nancy is!! Wish I were closer!! You're doing great!! Keep it up!
